Docs Clone
React, Tailwind, draft-js
This project is a clone of google docs, it has been built using React, TS and Tailwind CSS and deployed to Vercel. The Skeloton of the page is built using Flexbox. It consists of three components Titlebar, Sidebar and Editor
Post Share
Angular, .Net, SQL Server
A post sharing app which lets users share their thoughts in posts. This was my first experience using a complete framework like angular for frontend and using .Net as well
Blog website
Nextjs 12 , React, Chakra UI, Prisma
A Simple bloggin website built using nextjs 12 which lets the users write their blogs and also lets the users read others' blogs
Password Manager
Nextjs 12, React, Chakra UI, Prisma
A password manager built using nextjs 12 which lets users store the passwords for different websites. The passwords are encrypted using bcrypt.
For more projects please visit my github page